Thursday, October 1, 2009

sarawak map

Sarawak is nature's paradise - There are 10 nature parks scattered all over Sarawak, Malaysia. Get an experienced guide and a permit to explore the wonders of natural rainforest of Borneo. Sarawak is the place to experience a natural rainforest unchanged by the passage of time. Travel by river to discover the forest's wondrous diversity of life and see the complex
interactions of Sarawak's rainforest, alive with dazzling birds, spectacular and rare plants and intriguing animals. Under the canopy of immense trees you can see the many wildlife that lurks in the jungle.

People and culture

Be overwhelmed by the cultural diversity of the state There are more than 30 ethnic communities in Sarawak, each retaining their cultural identity - Malay, Chinese, Iban, Bidayu, Melanau, Orang Ulu, Penan, Kayan,

Kelabit, Kenyah, etc. There are 27 distinct indigenous ethnic groups in Sarawak and collectively they speak 45 different languages and dialects. (Dayak is a collective name for the natives races in Sarawak i.e. the Iban, Bidayuh, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Murut and others)Sarawak is the place for nature and adventure lovers.

Located on the vast forested continent of Borneo, most of Sarawak is a forest reserve.Iban is Sarawak's mo

st known ethnic group, who were once the legendary

head hunters of Borneo. Today they have adopted a peaceful lifestyle and travellers can plan a visit to an Iban longhouse. The Penan of Sarawak is traditionally a nomadic tribe who survive by hunting and gathering. Today, only a small number continue to practice the old lifestyle. Most Penan now settle by the riversides and make long journeys into the forest to collect food, medicinal plants or other jungle products. Sarawak is the best place to shop for traditional handicrafts. Each ethnic community here produces some unique and beautiful crafts, mainly available in the state.

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